The American Military Encouragement Network began as an outreach of Damascus Community Church of Damascus, Oregon in the Summer of 2005.
We shipped to Oregon Soldiers serving in Iraq beef jerky, Koolaid, toiletries, books and personal items. We personalized requests to soldiers, sailors and marines from their family members. We helped with items needed to bring orphanages on line in Iraq. We sent hundreds of pairs of shoes to a new boys orphanage built by Oregon National Guard troops. As the soldiers returned home we continued to assist with food, financial, aid and in fact in whatever way help was needed as much as we were able.
The jobs market was very bad and the greatest need became food for military families as well as older veterans long removed from active service. Today that remains the greatest need and our major area of service. We have a wonderful relationship with the Portland Police Sunshine Division and are able to receive from them, at no cost, much needed food products. We purchase from the Oregon Food Bank as well as from jobbers and wholesalers.
We have formed our 501(c)3 nonprofit in 2015 in order to expand the base of support. The need is constant and growing. Military families need and deserve our support. Every dollar given is fully tax deductable and receipts will be sent for all donations. Further, because everyone at AMEN is a volunteer, every dollar and penny goes to assist soldiers, airmen, marines, sailors and military families throughout Oregon. Please consider making the American Military Encouragement Network (AMEN) part of your regular giving.